The Importance of Foreign Domestic Helper Interviews and Sample Questions (Part 1)

In a previous article, we discussed the preparation employers should do before interviewing a foreign domestic helper. One key point is that employers need to prepare interview questions. Why? Because according to the Consumer Council, "mismatches between a helper's resume and actual experience" are one of the most common problems. The interview is the only chance for employers to personally verify the accuracy of the helper's resume. Therefore, knowing how to ask the right questions is very important. Below, we’ll share key points and examples of domestic helper interview questions.

Consumer Council Report

According to the Consumer Council’s report on "Fees for Domestic Helper Employment Services", mismatches between resumes and actual experience are a frequent issue. For example, a resume provided by an agency might state that the helper is fluent in Cantonese, but the employer may find out after hiring that the helper only knows a few words. Another case mentioned in the report involved a helper claiming to have six years of experience in Taiwan, but it turned out that the experience was in farm work, not taking care of a family. The report also highlighted that most agencies rely on overseas partners to verify resumes and often don’t double-check the information themselves. Even if they do check, it's usually limited to verifying the documents of helpers who have completed contracts in Hong Kong. While many agencies offer a guarantee period, allowing you to replace an unsatisfactory helper at a discounted price, this can still be a waste of time and money. Getting a refund is even harder. So, if you’re planning to hire a foreign domestic helper, you need to be careful.

The Consumer Council also suggests the following tips when hiring a foreign domestic helper:

1.  Verify that the agency has a valid employment agency license.

2. Read the contract carefully before signing, especially the refund and guarantee period terms.

3. Communicate and interview the helper directly to ensure their abilities match your expectations.

Key Points and Sample Questions for Foreign Domestic Helper Interviews

As mentioned in the article on Employer Preparation for Domestic Helper Interviews, employers should first clearly understand their own needs and expectations before setting up the questions. It’s recommended to use open-ended questions instead of simple yes/no questions. Whether it’s a face-to-face or online interview, employers should pay attention to every detail, such as eye contact (whether the helper is reading notes or being guided by someone off-screen), clothing, attitude (towards agency staff or others), and responses. The following questions are suitable whether the helper is currently in Hong Kong or still waiting to come:

1.          Invite them to introduce themselves – Don’t rush into questions. Start by asking the helper to introduce herself. If her resume states that she speaks English or Cantonese, ask her to start in one of those languages.

2.          Ask about personal and family background – For example, marital status, if she has children or elderly family members living with her in her hometown. If she has children, she might have more patience and experience with childcare. You can also ask related questions, such as how she feeds, cleans bottles, and bathes babies. Additionally, you could inquire about her husband’s job, whether he supports her decision to work in Hong Kong, and who takes care of her children now. You might also ask her to assess her own skills and preferences, such as whether she likes to take initiative or prefers following instructions, and about her personal interests.


In this part, we’ve shared the importance of the interview and two key points with sample questions. In the next part, we’ll cover seven more key points, including how to skillfully ask about past work experience and situational questions. Interviewing a foreign domestic helper is not as simple as it seems. If you forget to ask something important, you might not get another chance, and if you don’t take it seriously, you could miss out on hiring a great helper.

Related product:

California Insurance's latest foreign domestic helper insurance offers the highest coverage in Hong Kong with up to HK$88,000 coverage for hospitalization and surgical expenses. It also provides “New Starter Benefit” that offers probationary protection and “Open Cover” policy reservations for up to 365 days. Learn more or apply now.

The information provided in this article is for general reference only and should not be considered as any form of advice. Our company assumes no responsibility for its use


The Importance of Foreign Domestic Helper Interviews and Sample Questions (Part 2)


Types of Foreign Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong