Standard Employment Contract Kevin KF Standard Employment Contract Kevin KF

Foreign Domestic Helper falls seriously ill right after arrival! Is the employer required to take responsibility?

Last year, there was a news reporting "Filipino Domestic Helper Falls Seriously Ill Right After Arrival! Employer Pays for ICU Treatment, Medical Costs Totaling...". The story highlights a Filipino domestic helper who, shortly after arriving in Singapore, felt unwell on her almost immediately. She eventually had to stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for 27 days, and medical examinations revealed she suffered from renal failure and pulmonary tuberculosis. Fortunately, her condition stabilized, and she was able to return home for further treatment via a medical charter flight. However, the total cost of her 27-day treatment and the medical flight amounted to nearly HK$930,000. Fortunately, her employer, generously covered these expenses and even provided emergency funds to the helper's family. Have you ever wondered what would happen if a similar situation occurred in Hong Kong?

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